@article{115786, keywords = {Labor Economics: Theory and Empirical Studies Illustrating Theory}, author = {James J. Heckman and Bo E. Honore}, title = {The Empirical Content of the Roy Model}, abstract = { This paper explores the robustness of the essential economic conclusions of the Roy model of self-selection and income inequality to relaxation of its normality assumptions. A log concave version of the model reproduces most of the main results. Log convex cases offer counterexamples. The authors show that in a Roy economy, random assignment is inegalitarian and Pareto inefficient. They consider nonparametric identifiability of latent skill distributions with cross-section and panel data. The authors{\textquoteright} analysis proves nonparametric identifiability for the closely related competing risks model. }, year = {1990}, journal = {Econometrica}, volume = {58}, pages = {1121-49}, month = {09/1990}, url = {https://www.jstor.org/stable/2938303}, language = {eng}, }